New Millennium Group

Retirement Planning Services

We can help to transform your savings into a renewable source of reliable income that can last you throughout retirement.

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Investing for Income

Our financial advisors are uniquely qualified to help you establish ongoing streams of income you can count on well into retirement.

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Calculate Your Retirement

Our financial calculators are designed to provide a general overview of what it takes to plan for a successful retirement.

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Tax Planning For Income

Our tax minimization strategies can help you avoid paying any more in taxes than you are legally obligated to. 

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Our Services

Retirement Planning

We’ll help you plan and save for the retirement you’ve always envisioned, based on your specific goals

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Tax Planning

You may leave behind a lot of things when you retire, but your tax burden isn’t one of them...

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Social Security

People tend to minimize the value of Social Security, but Social Security benefits can be much more...

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Estate Planning

We'll help to ensure you have an effective estate plan in place to help protect your assets and loved ones... 

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IRA Rollover Services

When it comes to growing your money over the long-term, studies have shown that tax advantage...

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Schedule A No-Obligation 15-Minute Consultation​

Click below to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. In one quick meeting or phone call, we can help to determine if you’re on the right path to enjoying the retirement of your dreams. If not, we can help you make the necessary adjustments.

We’re here to help.

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