Financial Reports

Make Better Informed Decisions About Your Financial Future

At New Millennium Group, we strive to keep our clients informed about the issues that could impact their quality of life in retirement. Through financial education, we believe you can make better informed decisions about your financial future.

By reading our financial reports, you’ll gain access to a wealth of information that can help guide you towards the retirement you’ve always envisioned.

Whether you want to learn how to help reduce your exposure to stock market risk or how fixed income investments can help you generate consistent and renewable streams of income for retirement, our financial reports are a great way to get started.

10 Signs You Are Working with a True Retirement Income Specialist

Not all financial advisors are created equal. Many say they specialize in retirement planning, but...

7 Risks to Your Retirement

Most of us look forward to retirement, imagining that we’ll get to relax and enjoy...

Estate Planning Myths

Dispelling myths, rumors and misinformation is an ongoing battle for financial advisors. Estate planning is...

How to Give and Receive Charitable Contributions

Most people are aware that charitable contributions to qualified recipients are tax-deductible, provided they are...

Negative Spin on Annuities

Everyone understands that the mass media has changed drastically. Not so long ago, we relied...

Secure Act 2.0

The $1.7 trillion budget bill signed by President Biden on Dec. 29, 2022, included the...

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